Kicking off the Year with the Crandall Cougars 

Welcome to the 2018-2019 academic school year at Prudence Crandall School!  I was so excited to see everyone.  We have such a wonderful sense of community; I'm looking forward to another great year together.  Just like their regular classroom, our first class together is spent reviewing the behavior matrix for the computer lab.  It is important to establish expectations, rules, and routines in the beginning so that we can work together and do our personal best.
Let me begin by saying how impressed I was with the new third grade class.  They are attentive, respectful, and eager to learn.  I can already tell that we are going to accomplish great things together in the lab!  Since it was their first time in the lab, we spent some time getting to know one another and roleplaying routines and expectations for both the meeting area as well as their work station.  They are eager to get started... I am, too!

All About Me
Building off of skills introduced during their year in third grade, our fourth graders completed an All About Me slide in PowerPoint.  Just like in Microsoft Word, students changed fonts and modified text size using the toolbar. Noting similarities between the software, we discussed that PowerPoint is used for presentations and that presenters often use images, videos, and animations to engage their audience.  Needless to say, the budding techies are excited to learn more about it later on this year!
​Fifth graders spent their first class playing an All About Me Digital Scoot.  Students began at their assigned work stations.  They were asked to read and respond to the slide that correlated with their seat number.  Each slide was different, some asked them to click and drag an image, while other required them to add a text box to write an answer.  When all students indicated they completed the slide with a thumbs up, I would shout, "SCOOT!"  and students would move to the next seat.  We had a lot of fun!  Scoot

Posted by MALMEIDA On 09/02/2018 at 11:36 AM  

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